Codes & Related Processors: Version 7


The CALPUFF modeling system is comprised of CALMET, CALPUFF, geophysical data preprocessors, meteorological data preprocessors, and several postprocessors designed to operate on CALMET and CALPUFF output files.

The downloads available here focus individually on each component, providing input files, the executable, and the FORTRAN code (in most cases).

Download links are provided below.

Main Models

CALMET Version 6.5.0 (150223) -- 3-D diagnostic meteorological model. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CALPUFF Version 7.2.1 (150618) -- Non-steady-state transport, dispersion, and deposition model. Updated on June 22, 2015. - Use the Edge or Safari browser to download this version.



CALPOST Version 7.1.0 (141010) -- Postprocessor for CALPUFF: performs visibility calculations, averages and summarizes concentrations and deposition fluxes, determines ranked concentration/flux/plume extinction values, creates list files and plot files. Contains the recommended FLAG (2010) techniques on visibility/regional haze assessments. In addition, CALPOST v6 contains an option to compute daily peak one-hour concentration values consistent with the new U.S. 1-hour SO2 and NO2 standards. Updated on June 22, 2015.
PRTMET Version 4.495 (110225) -- Lists selected meteorological data from CALMET and creates plot files. Updated on April 14, 2011.
APPEND Version 7.0.0 (141001) -- Appends two or more CALPUFF concentration, wet flux, dry flux or relative humidity (visibility) files. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CALSUM Version 7.0.0 (150330) -- Sums and scales concentrations or wet/dry fluxes from two or more source groups from different CALPUFF runs, allowing files with different time periods to be merged. Updated on June 22, 2015.
POSTUTIL Version 7.0.0 (150207) -- Processes CALPUFF concentration and wet/dry flux files. Creates new species as weighted combinations of modeled species; merges species from different runs into a single output file; sums and scales results from different runs; repartitions nitric acid/nitrate based on total available sulfate and ammonia. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CALAVE Version 7.0.0 (140912) – Reads a concentrations dataset (version 2.1 or later output file) and performs either a running average or a block average for 1 user-specified averaging time. Sums and scales concentrations or wet/dry fluxes from two or more source groups from different CALPUFF runs. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CALMAX Version 7.0.0 (140912) – Reads a CALPUFF dataset 2.1 or later (e.g., CONC.DAT) and retains the maximum over all sources and files for each receptor and species-level. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CALRANK Version 7.0.0 (140912) – Reads a file of modeled data from a CALPUFF-type data file and ranks all values in magnitude for each species and receptor. Identify the nth-highest values and the percentile values requested by the user. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CALNO2 Version 7.0.1 (230120) – Reads one or more CALPUFF concentration files and calculates NO2 concentrations based on ARM or OLM methodology. Resulting NO2 concentrations are written to a new CALPUFF concentration file with NO2 substituted for NOx..


Geophysical Data Processors and Data

TERREL Version 7.0.0 (141010) -- Combines and grids terrain data. Updated on June 22, 2015.
CTGCOMP Version 2.253 (110225) -- Compresses USGS land use data files. Updated on April 14, 2011.
CTGPROC Version 7.0.0 (150211) -- Processes and grids land use data. Updated on June 22, 2015.
MAKEGEO Version 3.2 (110401) -- Merges land use and terrain data to produce the geophysical data file for CALMET. Updated on April 14, 2011.


Meteorological Preprocessors

SMERGE Version 5.7.0 (121203) -- Combines and formats files of surface meteorological data to produce a single file for use in CALMET. Updated on March 19, 2014.
SURFGEN Version 7.0.0 (141107) -- Combines and formats files of surface meteorological data to produce a single file for use in CALMET. Includes capability to process ASOS sub-hourly data. Updated on June 22, 2015.
SURFCSV Version 7.0.0 (141107) -- Read CSV-format met data file, extract data at fixed intervals and output as SURF.DAT v2.1 with begin/end times that span the interval. Updated on June 22, 2015.
PXTRACT Version 4.253 (110225) -- Extracts precipitation data from NCDC data sets. Updated on April 14, 2011.
PMERGE Version 5.633 (110225) -- Processes and merges precipitation data to produce a single file for use in CALMET. Updated on April 14, 2011.
READ62 Version 5.661 (110225) -- Processes NCDC upper air meteorological data to produce upper air files for CALMET. Updated on April 14, 2011.
BUOY Version 7.0.0 (141010) -- Processes buoy data to produce overwater files for CALMET. Updated on March 19, 2014.
CPRAMMET Version 00326 -- Creates a CALPUFF compatible ISC-formatted meteorological file based on the EPA PCRAMMET program.
DATSAV Version 1.1 (070329) -- Reads TD9956 (DATSAV3) surface meteorological data and creates a CD144 file.
METSCAN Version 4.0 (010315) ) -- Surface Meteorological Data (CD144) Quality Assurance Program.


Gridded Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model Processing Programs

CALMM5 Version 3.01 (100601) -- Reads Version 3 MM5 output data format and creates a 3D.DAT file suitable for input into CALMET. For older Version 2 MM5 output files, users may request CALMM5 v1.1 (010717) from Updated November 9, 2010 to v3.01.
CALETA Version 3.2 (100727) -- Reads NCEP’s NAM (WRF-NMM) model output in GRIB1 format and creates a 3D.DAT file suitable for input into CALMET. Also reads older ETA model output (GRIB1 format). If NAM (WRF-NMM) data are in GRIB2 format, data must be converted to GRIB1 format before applying CALETA. The GRIB utility CNVGRID.EXE will perform this conversion. The converter can be downloaded from Updated November 9, 2010 to v3.2.
CALRUC Version 2.21 (100525) -- Reads RUC model output in GRIB1 format and creates a 3D.DAT file suitable for input into CALMET. If RUC data are in GRIB2 format, data must be converted to GRIB1 format before applying CALRUC. The GRIB utility CNVGRID.EXE will perform this conversion. The converter can be downloaded from Updated November 9, 2010 to v2.21
CALWRF Version 2.0.3 (190426)-- Reads NCAR’s WRF-ARW model output (netCDF format) in either Version 2 or Version 3 WRF format and creates a 3D.DAT file suitable for input into CALMET. Updated October 1, 2019 to v2.0.3.
CALTAPM Version 7.0.0 (150330) -- Convert ASCII TAPM output to a 3D.DAT file format suitable for input into CALMET. Updated June 22, 2015.


Other Utilities and Processors

FOG Codes Pre- and post-processors to compute visible plume length and fogging statistics using CALPUFF's FOG module. Updated on April 14, 2011.
PRELND1 Version 3.0 (961113)
FEPS2BAEM Version 1.43 (110225) -- Converts the output of the Forest Service's Fire Emission Production Simulator (FEPS) to a buoyant area source emissions file with arbitrarily varying emissions (BAEMARB.DAT) for input into CALPUFF. Updated on April 14, 2011.
RISEPOST Version 1.02 (110225) -- Numerical plume rise analysis program. Computes statistics on vertical velocities associated with buoyant plumes at various user-specified heights. Updated on April 14, 2011.
AER2CAL Version 1.21 (100301) -- Converts concentration data produced by AERMOD (POSTFILE) to CALPUFF CONC.DAT. Updated on April 14, 2011.
CALANALYSIS Version 7.0.0 (150430) -- Conducts source contribution analyses. Determines whether the contribution of a particular source is above or below a significance threshold for all exceedances of a standard. Provides a tabulation of source contributions for all exceedances of user-specified thresholds/standards. Ranks concentrations (for different averaging times) for all days contained in the CALPUFF output *.con files (or flux files) with concentrations above a threshold. Updated on June 22, 2015.
INFOVIEW Version 7.0.0 (150408) -- Examines and reports selected header information from model output files such as CALMET, CALPUFF. Updated on June 22, 2015.
MERGE3D Version 1.04 (090328) -- Creates new 3D.DAT from existing 3D.DAT files, which may have different grid sizes. Updated on April 14, 2011.
METCOMP Version 3.21 (110225) -- Computes comparison statistics for winds observed at stations and extracted fom modeled fields. Updated on April 14, 2011.
METSERIES Version 7.0.0 (140912) -- Extracts meteorological time series (e.g. winds, temperature, water vapor) from 3D.DAT, CALMET.DAT, SURF.DAT, CALMM4.DAT and UP.DAT, and produces frequency tables for windroses. Updated on June 22, 2015.
MM5DECODE Version 3.4 (100118) -- Unpacks and extracts MM5 3D packed output tiles and creates a 3D.DAT file. Updated on April 14, 2011.
PREPAQ Version 1.18 (110225) -- Converts a CSV file of hourly AQ data to the data record section of the TRAJLOC.DAT file for TRAJ2D. Updated on April 14, 2011.
TRAJ2D Version 1.25 (090407) -- Reads direct access 1D or 2D wind files & creates a series of backward trajectories. Updated on April 14, 2011.
TRAJCRD Version 1.01 (090409) -- Processes one or more trajectory (.trc) files, converting the coordinate pairs to a new map projection and DATUM. The format of each output file is the same as the input file. Updated on April 14, 2011.
UAMAKE Version 1.53 (090411) -- Processes one or more M3D (3D.DAT) FILES and constructs an upper air data file (UP.DAT format) for input to CALMET. Updated on April 14, 2011.
WIND1D Version 1.144 (110225) -- Processes a set of CSV-format met files and writes a Direct Access (DA) file of winds with a temporal record structure. Updated on April 14, 2011.
WIND2D Version 2.02 (091023) -- Processes a sequence of CALMET.DAT or 3D.DAT files and extracts a single 2D layer (1 level or vertical average) and writes field to a direct access file. Updated on April 14, 2011.

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